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Saturday, January 16, 2010

First Food

Ella has started eating a bit of real food. We decided to give her her first bites one day before her 6 month birthday. She had been acting interested in eating, but she is interested in EVERYTHING we do, so that is no surprise.

We just skipped the rice cereal and went right to a good ol' classic, mashed bananas.

We started by putting the mashed banana right in front of her to see what she would do.
She was less interested in eating the banana, and more interested in just smearing it around.

The next time, we tried the spoon. A bit more successful, but she was still more interested in the spoons and throwing them around then actually eating. She did give us a couple of interesting faces when the banana went in. Of course we didn't catch in on camera, but here are a couple of cute ones.

Still nothing as good as the breast milk! And we do not feel the need to rush into feeding her too much. She gets everything she needs from nature's perfect food!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Date Night #3

We finally did it. We had a real date night. One without our little precious angel. Our little precious angel that has made it be 6 months since we have been able to go out in the evening together past something like 6 o clock in the evening. 6 short months. Ah, how the time flies. Can you believe she is 6 months old? Can you? Because I can't. The time flies when I think of it like that. But 6 months is a long time when it has been that long since your hubby and you have had an evening alone. We took no pictures, but I know you are reading this so you can see sickenly cute pictures of our baby, so here you go.

But last night we did it. It was enabled by one of my best friends in the world, Kassi. We didn't even have to ask. She offered. Thank you Kassi! She said, "Let me come over on Sunday night and hang out at the house after Ella goes to bed so you and Eli can go out." I said, "Okay."

I was skeptical that it would work. I was thinking, "Ella will sense that something is going on. She won't go to sleep well tonight. She will wake up and cry as soon as we get out of the house." But somehow, she didn't get the message and she went to sleep and stayed asleep until we returned. I didn't even call to check. (I did send one text to which I got no reply and then started imaging all sorts of horrible things.) But of course everything was fine. We came home to find Kassi on our couch watching some TV on the computer in a very small window because she did not know how to make it full screen. (PC user).

So, I will quickly describe our date. Actually, I need to go back a little bit to earlier in the day. Our date actually started at about 11 AM when Joanna (Aunt of Ella and sister of I) came over to babysit the little sunshine so Eli and I could go see Avatar in 3D. Much fun. It was a movie I really wanted to see in the theatre. Off to an early matinee we went and sat in a dark theatre for almost 3 hours in the most productive time of the day. Totally worth it, and I totally missed Ella. I couldn't wait to get back to see her. Funny how that is. Date paused.

Then we did some normal Sunday things until the evening when Kassi came over. Date resumes. Eli and I went out to eat at Chai Pani (again). It was open on Sunday evening and oh, so yummy. We also each had an adult beverage. We considered heading home, but then thought better of it as it was only about 8:30. Dessert maybe? But where can a mother go to get a dairy free dessert around here? The Chocolate Lounge perhaps? Oh ya. I had such a decadent non dairy chocolate dessert ensemble that I could not even finish it and had to take some home. And then I was awake for hours from the chocolate buzz. Totally worth it.

Asheville is a good place to live when you can't ingest dairy. All you have to do is go to the counter and ask in a slightly whiney, slightly better than thou kind of voice, "Do you have any vegan options???" And then you are told and shown how many wonderful, tasty, and delicious vegan options they serve. No need to go elsewhere. I love Asheville.

As I mentioned, we did return to a peacefully sleeping baby. Ah, success finally! And we totally wiped out our complete budget for entertainment and food for the month. Totally worth it.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Holiday Traffic

Our holiday traffic has now come to a close. We have been quite the busy household lately. And though we loved to have all the company, we are also glad to have our quiet and not so quiet household back. First we had our great friends Kristi, Wes, and Riley, if you remember. Then we had one night to ourselves and Grandma Jackie and Uncle Keegan arrived the next day. They made great time even with the alternate route from the I-40 closure. Eli thinks there was a magnetic pull pulling Ella's grandma to her. She had not seen her in quite a while. It took Ella about 5 minutes to warm up to her and Keegan and then all smiles.

Ella putting out cookies for Santa.

Christmas day with the fam.

We had a little Christmas of our own on Christmas morning and then went out to my parents house for more Christmas. My mom, dad, two little brothers, and sister were all there. We also had the addition of my sister's new guy that she is dating. He took things in stride and seemed to have a good time. Ella had no lack of entertainment. She was the star of the party.

Ella was more interested in the wrapping, then the presents.

Jackie and Keegan left on Sunday and Grandpa Bob showed up that evening. We had a nice, low key visit. He enjoyed reading her books (and reading himself the books).

Ella was quite fussy on his last day, we thought maybe she was getting sick. But then she had a great big poo in her diaper (missed the pot this time) and felt so much better. We all know how that is! There is nothing like it. Our little sensitive girl.

Ella had so much entertainment and attention, that I am afraid I am not enough for her anymore. Although I think she enjoys the more sedate household, she cannot understand why she doesn't get complete one on one admiration, attention, singing, coddling, cooing, rocking, bouncing, carrying, swinging, and playing at all times. Poor baby. Life is rough.