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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A dog's love: A tribute to Naomi

Sometimes a dog comes along that really settles into your heart. I have had quite a few dogs over my life so far and I have lost a few as well. They are all very hard to lose, and many tears have been shed over the loss of each one. But sometimes, if you are lucky enough, there is one that really holds a special place in your heart. To me, that dog was Naomi.

Three years ago this month, Naomi went on to wherever good dogs go after they die. I wasn't ready for her to go. Not that I would ever have been ready, but I felt that she was just too young. She was only 8, and I was prepared to lose her at 10, but not 8. 10 is the average lifespan of a Rottweiler, and she was so healthy, I thought for sure she would make it at least that far. 

Naomi came into my life at the perfect time. She was 2 days old and she needed someone to love her and to take care of her. Everyone told me she would probably die. She was hardly moving, and she was cold. Her mother had neglected her and her siblings had pushed her out. But I had to try. So with love, I fed her with a tube and I got up every few hours to feed her. I wiped her rear to help her use the bathroom and slowly she started to get stronger and to grow. 

Over the years, Naomi was with me through many life changes. Through many transitions, heartaches, loneliness, as well as joys and accomplishments. She helped to take care of me as I took care of her. She was always there for me and she always kept me safe when I was alone or scared. 

When my life finally started to come together, and the changes and transitions were settling down. That is when she decided it was okay to leave me I guess, because that is when she became ill. 

I tried everything I could to ease her suffering and try to prolong her happy existence. But when the day came when she would no longer play with her beloved tennis ball, I knew that the joy she found in life was gone. And so, with the same love that nursed her to health when she was only days old, I made the decision to help her out of this world. 

I gave a lot to Naomi over the years that I was able to walk along beside her, but she gave me so much more. 

Naomi, you are missed. 

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