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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Potty Training

Okay, so here we go. I am going to try to start a blog. I have been unsuccessful in journaling up until this point in my life and have tried a blog in the past, but now I have a baby. So, you are probably thinking, 'wow, she really won't blog now', and you might be right, but I also have a little more motivation now. I have something to write about, and I have an audience. I have a feeling that grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncles, may be quite interested in this sort of thing. Just maybe. And maybe, just maybe my dashing, darling husband might decide he wants to post occasionally as well.

Well, the title of this entry is potty training. Yes, we have a 4 month old and it seems that potty training should be somewhere in the distant future. We started on a path called elimination communication. My dear friend Kristi Sanborne and her daughter Riley helped us on this path. Basically, you get a little potty, and when you feel that your baby needs to take a wee or a poo, you put her on the pot and make a little noise when she goes. The idea is that you learn to read your baby's signals and that after you do it enough times, your baby will try to eliminate when you make the noise that is associated with the eliminating. Like Pavlov's dogs. In theory. We just started and so at this point it is, sit the babe on the pot, hope she goes, make the noise and hope that the most of the mess makes it in the pot. Vuoala! Early potty training. So, why would I go to all the trouble to do this? What else do you have to do when hanging out with a baby all day? I can't get anything else done, so maybe I can get this done. Maybe. I am not sure I will really stick with it, but at this point it is novel and kind of fun. And if she is potty trained before she is 3 years old (very unlike her mother (me)) than I will feel like I was successful.


  1. The last picture is so adorable. How did you get her to really sit down! For those who are interested, Ella did a pee and poop on the potty for me today! What a girl! Nana Sellers

  2. First, I love ALL of the pictures.

    Second, Please continue, This gives me something interesting to read at work!


  3. We are doing a loose version of this as well. I would love to follow your progress. Some days, it is just too much for me and others, we have success. I have to admit, we are only trying to catch poops these days. Some day, we'll get to pees, but not right now. I am so glad to find someone that I know who is like-minded on this.
