Yesterday was Thanksgiving. Yesterday was Ella's first Thanksgiving. And though she could not partake in the feast (at least not first hand), it was a special day for the whole family. It was also especially special for me because I had Ella's aunt, uncles, Nana, and Papa to help take care of her so I could get just a little R and R. There were actually people almost arguing over who got to "bounce" her to sleep for her naps. I got to read half of a magazine (yes, it was a parenting magazine) Mmmmm, the luxury! For most of the day, there were no fewer than 2 people gazing upon the babe.
I am especially thankful this year. I try to be thankful every year on Thanksgiving and of course try to be thankful every day other than Thanksgiving, but at least there is a day set aside to really remember what you are thankful for. I like Thanksgiving because it is really one of the only (if not the only) holiday that is not selfish (except maybe the part about getting to feast on huge, delicious quantities of food). This year I am thankful for many things. I am so thankful to have a healthy baby girl. I am so thankful to be in a position where I only have to work a couple of days a week so that I can spend most of my time raising my baby girl. I am so thankful to have my mom close by and that she is willing to come and take care of my baby girl on the days that I do have to work. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful, loving husband and father of my baby girl. I am so thankful that I am healthy and all those that are dear and close to me are healthy. I am so thankful to have enough food to eat. I feel like the luckiest person in the world.

Now time to recount the feast. For those of you that don't know, I am eating dairy free at the moment. As it turns out, my baby girl, is allergic to cow's milk protein. Or so it seems. She has had significant GI distress and blood in her stool which has improved dramatically since I went off of dairy. It is especially difficult to stop eating dairy. It is hard enough to stop eating ice-cream, butter and consuming milk, but there are also a plethora of other foods that have dairy products in them. Whey, casiene, and all derivatives. Even those products that advertise "dairy free" are not actually dairy free to my chagrin. Even hot dogs, deli meat, and even some brands of canned tuna have dairy product in them! Okay, enough about that. But this leads me to my Thanksgiving Day feast. I was a little concerned that perhaps my feast may not be as delicious as it has in previous years. I need not have worried. As it turns out, coconut milk is an excellent substitute for milk in a lot of dishes. So this is what I ate:
Turkey and coconut milk gravy
Vegan green bean casserole (which I made) made with coconut milk
Balsamic and brown sugar glazed carrots ( I also made this dish)
Sweet potato and pecan dish
Rolls with dairy free margarine
Homemade cranberry salad
Homemade applesauce
I decided not to partake of my allotment of coconut milk mashed potatoes because it turned out more like coconut mashed potato soup.
For dessert: dairy free pies: pumpkin pie made with real pumpkin and coconut milk; pecan chocolate chip pie; cranberry pie; all topped with a little vanilla bean coconut milk ice cream.
So I think maybe I should buy stock in coconut. And I guess we will see if Ella is at all allergic to coconut!
Ella hanging out with one of her canine friends, Bean on Thanksgiving day.
All in all, a great day. Ella even did not pitch a screaming fit when it was bed time.
What a Day.
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