This journey has been an interesting and soul searching one. When we started this process, our priorities were: get larger house for ease of expanding family; get close to trails for ease of outdoor recreation; get larger yard for kids and pets; get house that needs less work than a 1920's bungalow. Over the past 1/2 a year or so, things have changed somewhat. Priorities revolve a little more around personal relationships, surrounding ourselves with people that we would like to emulate, that help us to want to become "better" people. Being close to Asheville community events, being able to walk to breakfast, ease of riding bikes to downtown for a nice, romantic dinner. Having a sunny yard in which we can grow tasty vegetables and fruits by the sweat of our brow.
We have a great place. There is no doubt about that. And we have the best neighbors anyone could wish for. Our neighbors have become some of our best friends and our anchor in a lot of ways. The moment I found out I was pregnant, I walked outside to talk to my neighbor across the fence because I was a little freaked out and needed someone to talk to. Not over the phone, but in person. She was there. The first few months of being a new mom, our neighbors were their for us. While I was a wondering, what in the world we had done by having a baby, they helped keep me grounded. She would just come over and sit with Ella and I, listening to my concerns and telling me that she had felt the same way at first, but it gets WAY better. And she was right! She was not lying to me. They are the kind of neighbors that when I see them out in the yard, I want to go outside and talk to them, not wait until they go inside so that I don't have to. There have been some very life changing and important events that have occurred while living in this house and while being next door to them. It has created a great bond, that otherwise would not have been created. Had we not lived next door to them, we would have been acquaintances, but not great friends. Living close makes becoming friends and keeping relationships easier. Less work. We don't have to make plans, work around schedules, make huge efforts. It is community at it's best.
So here we are. Just having signed the contract to sell our house. We are leaving this house and this neighborhood if all goes through as planned. We are leaving our neighbors.
Have our priorities changed? Is this why this decision has been such a difficult one when the rubber actually hits the road? I think they have in some ways. I spend more time with my baby and spending time with friends and family and less time pumping my legs in the woods. I go to local farmer's markets, take quick trips to the organic grocery stores, take more neighborly walks, then spending time in the woods these days. I am more centered around family and friends, and this neighborhood, this location, and my neighbors have helped to facilitate that.
So, I do feel that priorities have changed to a certain extent. I still love riding, walking, and running in the woods. I still feel that it is an important part of my life. And this move will make enjoying that part of my life easier. Bent Creek also has a great community and we have many friends that live in the neighborhood that I will become closer to as a result of the move. We will have more useable space, and a larger yard for kids and pets. We will create our garden space so we can continue to be in touch with and teach our children where food comes from. And we will make a great effort to maintain our relationship with our current neighbors that we will moving away from. They have helped us along on our path of self reflection and growth. S, N and K, we love you!
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