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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sweatband Ella

Ella is the best baby I have ever had. Oh, wait, she is the only baby I have ever had..... Well, she sure is a pretty darn good one!

We have been having so much fun lately. I keep thinking, "this is such a fun age", but it is funny, because at every age, I just keep saying that. Every age is such a fun age (except maybe screaming, crying, don't understand what life is all about teeny weenie infant stage), and it just seems to be getting better. I am wondering when it will stop getting better. I mean, it seems like there will be a ceiling to the funness. There can only be so much fun that a person can have, right? How does every day seem to be just a little more fun? It has to stop one day. Maybe it will be when she hits her terrible twos.... maybe it will be when she hits her rebellious teenage years.... maybe it will be the day that she puts me into a nursing home.... maybe it will be..... never. I don't want to ever stop having fun being a parent. Even when I am put into a nursing home. (Ella, if you are reading this one day, it does not mean that you should put me in a nursing home. I won't be much trouble, really!)

Well, I will worry about that some other day. Today, I am having fun. Yesterday I had fun. Tomorrow I will have fun.

Here are some pics of the fun we had today.

Sweatband Ella.


1 comment:

  1. I agree...every day = more fun..who knew?

    now the next question,

    when you add another baby does the fun double? or is there an additional additive effect...perhaps it is logistic and it increases by powers of 2...

    2 babies = 4 x fun
    3 babies = 8 x fun

    or maybe it is logrithmic?

    2 babies = 100 x fun
    3 babies = 1000 x fun.

    I love math
    I love Ella

    I think this is your best blog yet!
