I think there are 100 or more things I love about Ella, but I will try to narrow it down to just a few.
1. The way she smiles with her wide grin and her scrunched up nose. I NEVER get tired of seeing it and it warms my heart every time.
2. She only has reverse speed right now and backs her self up into all sorts of places, gets stuck and just stays there grinning and rocking on her hands.
3. The way she high pitch yells and screeches just because she can.
4. The fact that she LOVES the animals and just cracks up every time they get in her face or try to lick her hands.
5. The way she flips her hands around and rotates her wrists that makes her look like she is trying to ride a motorcycle. (And she will never ride one while she is under this roof!)
6. The way she gags on peas and other foods she doesn't like. 7 months old and already with strong tastes and emotions!
7. The way she loves avocados. Maybe she is CA girl at heart!
8. When I sit her on the potty and she gets real quiet and tries to go. Gets a little red in the face and pushes. Ah, and success most of the time!
9. The way she does not miss a THING!
10. The way she sneezes and then makes a little aaaahhhh noise, feels so good.
And there are many, many more........
Instead of riding a motorcycle maybe she is practicing for grip-shifters for her mtbike???
Hard to narrow it down to 10. I love the way she grins at me when she first wakes up. And how she gets very excited about her favorite books. Can't wait to see her again tomorrow.