Most of you probably know that our house is for sale. We have grand plans on moving to the Bent Creek neighborhood. If you don't know what Bent Creek is, I will inform you. It is a mountain biker's paradise. Well, almost anyway. It is a local research forest which is part of the very large Pisgah National Forest. It is covered in miles of bike friendly trails. Eli and I go there at least twice a week to ride our bikes or walk the dogs. There is a neighborhood that borders the park. It is riddled with many fellow mountain bikers and families with young children. You can literally ride your bike out your back door and get to the trails, sometimes without even getting on pavement. And it is about a 15 minute drive to downtown Asheville, but there are plenty of essentials like grocery stores and mexican restaurants much closer. So, you can probably see why we might like to live there.
Our house is up for sale, but the problem is, we love our little house. It is our first home and the first home of Ella. It is cute. Unlike most of the 60s and 70s style ranchers in the Bent Creek neighborhood. We have done quite a bit of work with sweat and a little blood (thank you Eli) to make it our own.
Our house is up for sale, but I don't think either of us really wants to sell it. You see, we struggle with timing. It is a good time to buy. It is a good time to sell a house in our price range and with the $8,000 tax credit being offered to new home buyers. The interest rates are low and right now we are in a variable interest rate which we do not want to stay with. Our house only has one bathroom. Let me digress for a quick moment. Eli once said to me, "I don't understand why some people don't like to share a bathroom with their partner, that is just crazy to me." I looked at him and said, "They are women and they don't pee on the floor." In general, men don't mind sharing a bathroom.
Our house is up for sale, but who knows if it will sell. It is pain in the pants to show a house when you have a 6 month old, 4 dogs, and one man, one of which is on strict activity restrictions from a recent orthopedic knee surgery (dog that is). Keeping a house show ready is a joke with the before mentioned crew. Eli is usually at work, Yogi must go into the neighbors yard next door, Chihuahuas in the crate, Lola in the big crate with a heavy dose of sedative, Ella packed up and taken out in the car, stroller, or to the neighbors house, all the laundry baskets taken out of the chairs (they are there to keep Lola from climbing up into them), kitchen spotless, sweep the floors, put all baby paraphernalia in organized way in Ella's room, etc, etc, etc. It is a whole day process. A pain in the pants.
Maybe we should just stay.
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