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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snow and sledding

We have been having a great snow year this year in Asheville. We haven't had a good snowfall in quite a few years. And so far this year we have had 2 good snows. This last one was about 8 inches. And although it was covered in a crunchy layer of ice before it was all done with, we still had a blast. We went out to the Sellers' household and went sledding down their big front hill. It is a great place to sled because not only do we have a doting Nana to take care of Ella, but a huge sledding hill in front of the house. There is only one teeny, weeny problem, there is no good place to end your sledding run. You either have to bail, dig your heels in, or run into bushes and trees.

Is that a happy dog?

Short video to show the sledding run. As you can see, we just sort of slid over the top of the snow. Very fast. And the last person that does the somersault is Joel's fiance Allie. Hehehe.


  1. Reminds me of slip and slide day. Even better on snow. Chris Neubert

  2. So, you are zuddd. I was wondering.
