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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Standing Stander

Sometimes your child does something that you know, no other child has ever been able to do. Your child is so special. Your child surpasses all others. Your child is simply AMAZING!

Ella has accomplished the highest feat! She is standing!

Ok, so I know that all babies (normal development) learn to stand. They all do it. Maybe it is not so amazing, but I really think it is. I don't think any other baby has ever done it in such a cute way before....

It is an interesting phenomenon (if you can call it that), the emotions you feel as a parent. Seeing your child accomplish a milestone, and being so proud. Seeing the wonder and joy and excitement in your child's face as she learns to do something new. That is worth a million of anything valuable. Feeling like she just accomplished an extraordinary feat. Heart full of love and pride.

I hope that Ella continues to find such joy in life. I will do all I can to nurture and support in her in all she does whether it be standing, racing her first mountain bike, playing tea parties, or God forbid playing video games.

Ella, you rock!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Unthinkable

Sometimes there are things that happen that one just can't keep to one's self. Sometimes they just must be shared although, maybe they are better left untold.

Today the unthinkable happened. The disgusting happened. The horrific happened. The grotesque happened.

Some of you (most likely those with kids) already know the tale that is about to unfold.

It was a quiet afternoon. Ella had just woken from her nap a short time earlier. I had taken off her diaper and put her on the potty, like I usually do. A little peepee, but no poopies this time. Hm, I thought, she hasn't pooped yet today. Oh well, I will let her go diaper free for a few minutes to air out the toosh. I am a good mommy. I give her plenty of time to get air flow to where air flow is minimal while wearing a diaper.

So, I waltzed into the living room to look up a phone number on the computer that I needed. So much to do to prepare for this house sale. It is awfully quiet. Too quiet.

"Ella? What are you doing?". Better go check. I walk into the kitchen where she is. Hm, "what's in your mouth?" Better yet, "what is that smell? Did you poopoo in your diaper?" Wait, she is not wearing a diaper. Wait, what is in her mouth?


Panic. What do I do? Should I wash her mouth out with soap? No, bad idea. Should I run her into the bathroom and put her in the shower? No, that would take too long, and then the dogs would eat the poop on the floor. AHHHHHHHHHH! Okay, put the baby in the sink. Wash it off of her. All of it. Just don't panic. Disgusting.

Sometimes it is an adventure being a mom. I am sure that others out there have similar stories to share. Maybe it is a right of passage. Maybe a baby really can't make it to adulthood unless they eat poop at least once. Maybe.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The next trip to Indiana

The next trip to Indiana will be a different trip. We will do this differently. Gone are the days of a quick weekend trip to Indiana. The little one who has made our lives so beautiful and full, makes taking a quick trip to the homeland of my husband a little less than easy.

It seemed like a good idea to leave at her bedtime. She would just go to sleep and we could log in some fast miles and get there around midnight. Most babies sleep in the car. Ella is not most babies. Ella is a girl with a routine. She is a girl that likes her bed. She is a girl that has always hated riding in the car. Some things just don't change.

2 1/2 hours into the trip, at 9:15 we decided to stop at a hotel. I couldn't take it anymore. My poor tortured daughter in the backseat, sucking her thumb, closing her eyes, and then just wailing every couple of minutes. Poor little thing just could not fall asleep. I was at my wit's end. I am not sure what a wit is, but I was definitely at the end of it.

We stop at a Day's Inn. I tell Eli that the dogs are not sleeping in the room, so it doesn't matter if they have pet rooms or not. We didn't need anything else to keep us awake once we finally settled in for the night. Apparently he didn't believe me because he told the guy we had two dogs and paid the $30 pet fee. I was not kidding. No dogs in the hotel room (and he was able to get the pet fee back the next morning when he convinced them the dogs did not set foot in the room).

Ella had a great time in the hotel room. At that point it was so far past her bedtime, she forgot she was tired and just crawled around the room, and laughed. (I tried really hard not to think about what was on the carpet). By 10:30 I was able to lay her down in the hotel crib and she fussed for about 30 seconds before falling asleep. Whew.

We got up the next morning at 6:45 AM and continued our trip. We almost just turned around and came home. But we didn't. The other part of the equation was that Eli has a whole list of many things to do to our house so that we can close at the end of the month. And he has very little time to do it. We almost just called the trip off to begin with because of how much there is to do. But Eli hates to let people down, and he had some family traveling a few hours to see us too. So away we went. The morning drive went better.

We arrived, and had some fun meeting Ella's new 5 month old second cousin, and seeing everyone else.
Fast trip. We left the next day so we could get back for Eli to work on the house. So we were in Indiana for slightly more than 24 hours. Fast trip.
The next thing we knew were back in the car heading home. Ella was a trooper, but only slept for 45 minutes of the whole 6+ hour drive. And I was completely worn out trying to entertain her. She was so happy to be back in her home and in her bed. Too much driving for such a short trip. It is not just Eli and me anymore. Jetsetting in the car for a weekend trip is not fair for a 10 month old.

So, the moral to the story is: no more quick weekend trips to Indiana with the baby. We take our time. Take stops along the way. Take some time off work. Do it right.

We did have some good times while we were there. Ella got to play in the little wading pool with her second cousins, we had a last minute early joint birthday party for her and her cousin Calli, and of course she had some good times with her Grandma! Oh, and don't forget the potato launcher that kept the boys busy for most of the day.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ella eating banana

Ella likes bananas. Different from that first video a few months back when she first started eating. This girl likes her some banana. And she eats like her daddy.