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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Adoption update

All has been quiet on the adoption front these days. It started as a whirlwind and flurry of excitement, research, discussion, reading, talking to people, sleepless nights (for me anyway), and just lots and lots of thinking.

So, are we any closer to making a final decision?

We decided foreign adoption. Then we decided domestic. Then we decided foreign, but a different country. Then we decided domestic. Then we decided we didn't know what to decide. Then we started flipping coins (really). Then we quit deciding. That felt better.

Here is our quandary. The avenues of adoption that we feel would most fit in with our family at this point are not necessarily where the greatest need is. Yes, it is always important to have good families wanting to do private domestic adoption. And yes, there is a need to adopt foreign babies, but there is a waiting list for the babies. As soon as they enter the system they are adopted. So.....we are not sure where the need really is in those circumstances. From my research, I have found, that there are more waiting parents than there are babies needing parents (at least in the above avenues). So, the real need is foster to adopt, or foreign non-infants. And we don't think our family is ready for either of those options.

So, we wait. For now anyway. It may change again next week. But our current plan is, don't spend the $35,000 that we don't have. Wait a few years. Maybe have another baby biologically in the meantime because we really want to have two kids close to the same age. Then we feel that we might be ready for the relatively scary and unknown process of foster to adopt. Or we might want to adopt a child around 3 years old from a foreign country. But not now. We don't want to adopt a child older than Ella, and we don't want to invest time, energy, love, into a foster to adopt baby and then have it returned to it's family. We are not ready for that yet. But we might be later. There are just too many unknowns right now. So, the best thing for us to do is wait. And hope the adoption tax credit continues so that we may be able to take advantage of it in the future.

So that is the update. Thanks for reading.

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