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Saturday, November 14, 2009


I used to think I like to sleep. But I have found that sleep is overrated. It is amazing how well a person can function without sleeping. I can walk from one room to another and completely forget why I came in there, but sometimes, just sometimes if I walk back to where I started I will remember what it was. I am beginning to think that dark circles are becoming (and Eli of course agrees with me). And I am getting a lot of good practice waking up and falling back to sleep. Which I probably have only done about 136, 456, 871 times since I was born. (Half of which have been in the past 4 months). In fact, I am so used to not sleeping that when Ella happens to actually sleep for more than say 3 hours at a time (a rare occasion) I wake up anyway and wonder, why is she still sleeping. Is she sick?

As you may have noticed, the above pictures are from when Ella was quite a bit younger. That is because she does not sleep now. She is the amazing non-sleeping baby. Okay, actually, she does sleep, but it is so precious a time, that I dare not try to use the camera to take a picture lest it wake her up. And there have been many a time that I have felt like strangling one of my endearing little pups when they have decided to start a barking fest just as she is drifting off to sleep in that precarious state between sleep and awake. Right on the brink where she likes to hover for so long to give ample opportunity for something to keep her on this side of wakefulness. Sometimes the only thing that keeps me from booting the dogs out the door and on to the street is thinking about Lady and the Tramp. Poor Lady. Poor Tater, Pita, Lola, Yogi.
But then one of my sanguine pups walks by Ella and she lets out a big belly laugh and flails her arms towards them and I think, yep, she takes after her mom. And I decide not to break out the euthanasia solution.

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